
001 S Wheeler Road

Cleveland Twp, MI 49664


If you’re looking for the perfect wooded Leelanau County acreage parcel, you’ll want to consider this special offering on quiet Wheeler Road. This is one of four adjacent, 10+ acre parcels four siblings each acquired from their conservation minded parents decades ago, & have all made the decision to sell at the same time, so the possibility to own more than just one could be yours. Each owner has worked with a forester to sensitively manage their property, to selectively harvest trees so the remaining “stems† are, beautiful! Each parcel rises to the east, & forms a north-south ridge line, from where there are panoramic views of the pastoral farms in the Bohemian Valley along Bohemian Road, & the southern three have differing seasonal views of Good Harbor Bay/Lake Michigan when there are no leaves on the trees. The northern most parcel, #1 is contiguous with the Leelanau Conservancy’s Krumwiede Preserve, acquired for public recreation with established hi


Timothy StinsonPremier Realtor | 248-933-0539