
1200 Ensley Street

Reynolds Twp, MI 49329


High traffic commercial vacant land for sale in Howard City, Michigan. If you are reading this on Zillow, scroll down and contact our agency directly. A little over 2-acres for sale near the White Pine Trail, slightly south of downtown Howard City, located in Montcalm County. The road frontage would make for an excellent business opportunity! Please note, maps contained on our sites are there to depict the overall layout of a given property from an aerial view. These maps are neither a legally recorded map or survey and shouldn't be used as such. Acreage amounts are displayed as according to the information we have obtained through local government and are in no way warranted or guaranteed. Also, the address is fictitious to be used for mapping purposes. Current use is Commercial.


    Timothy StinsonPremier Realtor | 248-933-0539