
4771 Panorama Drive Nw

Clearwater Twp, MI 49676
4 beds | 3 baths | #78001214633


This out ­stand ­ing prop ­erty of ­fers a rare op ­por ­tu ­nity to en ­joy un ­sur ­passed lake views and sun ­sets not com ­monly found from home.   The ­ re ­sid ­en ­ce ­ is ­ sit ­u ­ated at the end of Panorama Drive ove ­rl ­ook ­in ­g Lake Skege ­mog and Elk La ­ke with only one neigh ­bor ­ing home.   This one own ­er home was de ­signed and built in 2005/2006 as the per ­fect North ­ern Michi ­gan fa ­mi ­ly ­ home an ­d is ide ­al ­ly suit ­ed for en ­ter ­tain ­ing fam ­ily and friends.    Upon en ­ter ­ing the home you pass through an in ­vit ­ing foyer gallery, whi ­ch is ideal for dis ­play ­ing art. It ­ lead ­s ­ you int ­o the homes in ­vit ­ing floor plan.   You will find  ­four conforming bed ­rooms and two non-conforming bedrooms (6) and stun ­ni ­ng main liv ­ing ar ­eas.   The resid ­ence's unique positi ­on ­ing re ­ceiv


Timothy StinsonPremier Realtor | 248-933-0539