
8160 N Dixie Hwy

Newport, MI 48166


This is a 1 party listing and sale. For informational purposes only. This sale includes 2 parcels 8160 N. Dixie Hwy and 8174 N. Dixie Hwy. 12 apartments total, 2 separate parcel ID#'s . 8174 N. Dixie 5803 006 052 10- 8 units. 8160 N. Dixie 5803 006 052 00- 4 units. Tenants pay own gas and electric. Landlord pays water. 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom units 8160 N. Dixie - include washer and dryer. Upstairs units have central air, downstairs units have window air conditioners. Forced Air heat 8174 N. Dixie - units have window air conditioners. Boiler unit in basement. 2 car detached garage.


Timothy StinsonPremier Realtor | 248-933-0539